• +61 3 9585-4455
  • Hours 9.00 AM TO 4.30 PM

X-Press It TripleTac Canvas Transfer


STEP 1: 
Apply a generous coat of TripleTac to the surface that you are transferring the image onto. Images printed from a laser printer or patterned paper will give the best results.

STEP 2: 
Place the image onto the coated surface face-down & allow to dry. (24 hours is recommended)

STEP 3: 
Using a small amount of water, gently rub the back of the paper with a wet finger or cloth, until the paper starts to pill. Continue wetting & rubbing, until the image is revealed. To avoid patchy results, take care not to rub too much in one area.

STEP 4: 
Apply a second coat of TripleTac, to seal the image. Allow to dry. (24 hours is recommended). Your TripleTac Canvas is now completed and ready to be displayed.